Critical Reflection of the Porter Five Forces Concept

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INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS Strategic Management I Critical Reflection of the Porter Five Forces Concept Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary 1 2. Explanation of the Porter Five Forces framework 1 3. Analysis of the Porter Five Forces concept 2 3.1. Benefits of the Porter Five Forces concept ,2 3.2. Limitations of the Porter Five Forces concept 3 4. Conclusion 4 Bibliography 5 Appendix…………………………………………………………………………………...7 1. Executive Summary In a world of free trade, growing competition and accessibility to foreign markets, the need for methodical market analysis and assumptions is steadily rising in today’s business environment. It is just a normal way of thinking to primarily intent to eliminate the financial before entering a new and foreign market. This suggests that enterprises have to develop an overall strategy for their business in order to gain competitive advantage and consequently market share. With the words of Michael E. Porter, professor at Harvard University and leading authority on competitive strategy, this desirable market success is indirectly linked to the individual structure of a market. The unique structure of a single market influences the strategic behaviour and the development of a competitive strategy within a firm. The competitive strategy finally decides whether a company performs successfully on the market or not. Referring to this interpretation of business success, M. E. Porter established his five forces framework that enables directives to gather useful information about the business environment and the competitive forces in industries. By using this structured analysis, firms can more easily evaluate the attractiveness of an industry and gain a complete overview of all relevant competitive factors that have to be considered in the process of establishment. It helps to better understand the present market structure and to evaluate as a consequence of that external threats and opportunities. Unfortunately, the analysis established by Porter is not a guarantee for success and above that, it is often accused for limitations, lack of considerations and inoperative outcomes. The non-observance of a collaborative economic behaviour and of governmental influence, the inflexibility of the model and furthermore lack of application to rapidly changing market conditions are major limitations that have to be considered. 2. Explanation of the Porter Five Forces framework The Porter five forces model (see Appendix 1) as an external analysis tool was established by Michael E. Porter and firstly announced in his book “Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors” in 1980 . The main idea of the Porter five forces concept is that the attractiveness of a market depends on the characteristic of the five competitive forces that have an impact on a company (see Appendix 2).

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