Critical Analysis of the Design of the Guangzhou Opera House

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Guangzhou Opera House is a recently completed building by Zaha Hadid Architects, located in the Chinese city of Guangzhou and completed in 2010. The building's extreme geometry and spectacular interior have brought about international awareness and appreciation of its design. Following are two articles that examine and critique the building. One is "L'auditorium asimmetrico (Asymmetrical Auditorium)" from the architecture journal "Abitare." The other article is "Crazy Angles, Soaring Steel" by Thomas Lane from the architecture journal "Building." "L'auditorium asimmetrico" from the architecture journal "Abitare" briefly summarizes the Opera House as Hadid's first building that has been attended by a high-level British diplomatic delegation at the opening ceremony. The unusual significance of this building hints at its extraordinary structure and form. The design has been made up of two buildings sitting on a promenade facing the Pearl River, symbolizing the idea of geological crystallization of two pebbles from the river. The main building includes the auditorium and administration space, while the smaller building serves various functions, opening up the space to a wider range of audience. The smaller building floats on the mirror pool, reinforcing the idea of the architecture being part of the cityscape as the water reflects the surrounding skyscrapers, literally blending the design into the city skyline....

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...The acoustic performance of the auditorium is fairly balanced and in good clarity, exceeding the standard of ordinary auditoriums, in the meanwhile rearticulating the organic forms of the design on a holistic scale. In conclusion, Guangzhou Opera House by Zaha Hadid is no doubt an ambitious masterpiece of the 21st Century modernism of architecture. Being perfect in both aesthetics and function, the maestro has conducted a grand symphony of an architectural fantasy through the Opera House, which inspires new possibilities for the architecture of the future age. Works Cited Journal articles: • Lane, Thomas. “Crazy Angles, Soaring Steel.” Building vol. 274 no. 8588 (28) 2009, July 17, pp. 40-46. • Unknown, “L’auditorium Asimmetrico.” Abitare, Apr 2011, Issue 511, pp. 192-201. • Kaltenbach, Frank, “A Phantom of the Opera, Zaha Hadid’s Guangzhou Opera House.” Detail, Mar/Apr 2011, vol.

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