Critical Analysis Of First Chapters in Lord Of The Flies

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Lord of the Flies Critical Analysis

From the beginning of Lord of the Flies by William Golding up until the very last punctuation mark, it is instinctively known that this is one of the very best reads you will ever encounter in your lifetime.

This beautifully written piece of work is about a group of British boys whose plane was shot down and the "passenger tube" was released so it could crash land on a jungle. The boys are the first humans to touch this island, and the author describes a "scar" on the island that is represented as the first touch by a human. The author's use of symbolism is apparent and adds to the total "feeling" of the true genius of this book.

The main idea in the story is society and they way humans function socially. It is a sort of "guinea pig test" to see how boys would act without adults around, although it is all completely fictional. At the beginning of the story, Ralph pretends to "machine gun" Piggy. This tells the reader of the presence of a war occurring on the world outside this island. After the discovery of the conch, all the boys are assembled on the beach, a leader is picked and the characters are placed before the reader's eyes. We get a good sense that Jack is someone who is a stubborn, spoilt child who is always used to getting his way and will go to extents to get his way. Ralph is that quiet boy who everyone wants to listen to because of his charms and everyone is eager to be his friend. Right away we get a sense of foreshadow that Jack and Ralph are close to becoming rivals. In a way, Jack is Ralph's foil. Piggy is a fat boy who's self confidence will never match up to his intelligence, Simon is the one who's sticking close to Ralph and we get a feeling they will be good friends, and as for Roger, we get a sense that he will be Simon's foil, and Jack's good friend.

As we read on further in the book we discover that these young boys are getting wild and more savage. The author uses a good metaphor for Jack's "war paint" that he wears before going to kill a pig. It signifies a ‘mask' that people wear when in different situations and do things that people wouldn't think normal.

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