The Criminal Justice System In The Movie Fracture

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The criminal justice system is a complex structure of separate parts that must work together to achieve justice as an end result. Justice isn’t always served and sometimes the wrong person goes free, robbing the victim of any possible closure. This is shown in the movie, Fracture, where an intelligent and wealthy man named Theodore Crawford goes to trial for the attempted murder of his wife, putting her in a coma and on life support, and ultimately gets off due to a lack of solid evidence. The motive behind the attempt on his wife, Jennifer’s, life is that she’s been engaging in an affair with Detective Robert Nunally, who would later unwittingly play a huge role in getting Theodore Crawford off. William Beachum, the prosecutor, is a cocky, …show more content…

This amendment also asserts that the individual has a right to know and understand exactly what they are being charged for and to gather witnesses for his or her defense. This is shown in with Crawford being informed of his rights during the trial and having access to information so that he would be able to fully comprehend what was happening and how he could properly help himself. Theodore already being quite intelligent, and somewhat knowledgeable in legal procedure, was what aided him in competently representing …show more content…

Attempts to take advantage of the constitutional rights can be seen from the defendant to benefit himself and the prosecution to benefit the system. For example, Theodore Crawford used the Fourth and Sixth amendments to his advantage in that not only did he cleverly conceal the murder weapon in plain sight, but he also used the prosecution’s witness to give himself an edge in the trial. Just hours before the crime took place, Mr. Crawford followed his wife and Detective Nunally to where they go to continue their affair, and switched his gun with the detective’s, both of them having the exact same gun. This took planning and flawless execution on Crawford’s side, suggesting that his course of action was completely premeditated and that he had been plotting his crime for a good portion of

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