Creationism and Evolution Taught in Schools

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Creationism and Evolution taught in schools


The education of evolution and creationism in the public school system has been debatable. Charles Darwin published his conclusions of evolution in 1859. This altered the teaching of science in the public school system intensely (Armenta, 1). Several court cases have been filed against the teaching of evolution. Because of the religious conservative legislators a ban was placed on the teaching of evolution and the equal treatment of evolution and creationism or intelligent design (Armenta, 1). The court case that stirred the controversy was the Scope case of 1925 in Dayton, Tennessee. Multiple major court cases followed; Epperson, et al. v. Arkansas, McLean v. Arkansas Board of Education, Edwards v. Aguillard, and Frailer v. Tangipahoa Parish Board of Education (Armenta, 1). In Louisiana and Tennessee a bill was approved that allowed teachers in the public school system to teach evolution alongside with creationism even if the principal and superintendence disagree. The author of the bill believes that it will help the students improve critical thinking skills and pupils will learn to be respectful towards other students’ beliefs (Jones, 1).

Evolution has always been controversy to teach in the public school systems, while creationism is too expensive to teach. This is because Texas is the largest producer of textbooks in the country (Jones, 2). This means that everything that is written in the public school system’s textbooks will be approved by Texas’s Centralized school board. A textbook is basically a curriculum for teachers to outline their classes. America is made up of fifty states that all have numerous and various different laws and bills pertaining to...

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