The Correlation Between Genetics and Environmental Lifestyle

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Family members not only share genes but they also share a similar environment and lifestyle; therefore, a resemblance in traits may suggest a correlation between genetics and the environmental-lifestyle. Most individuals can determine the traits on the outside which are passed down from generation to generation such as eye color and hair color. Individuals do not always recognize the health traits which are not as visible, like being at risk for certain diseases such as asthma, diabetes, cancer and heart disease. Traits such as high blood pressure are influenced by both genes and environment or a “nature” and “nurture” process (McCance, Huether, Brashers, & Rote, 2010). In most diseases, biological factors such as heredity, age and gender can increase the probability of developing chronic conditions.
Areas identified in the family history which may increase ones risk include but are not limited to: Diseases which occur at an earlier age than expected, diseases which occur in more than one family member, diseases that do not usually affect a certain gender (such as breast cancer in a male) and a combination of diseases within a family (breast and ovarian cancer or heart disease and diabetes) ("Family History," 2013). There are certain groups of individuals which may be predisposed to heart disease, diabetes or cancer, but it doesn’t mean they will definitely develop or suffer from the disease. There are things one can focus on such as diet, stressors and participating in health screenings which gives individuals the ability to decrease the chances of the occurrence of the disease.
An individual can decrease their risk of a disease occurring due to genetic precursors by making modifications to his or her lifestyle and being an active participant in one’s own health. The most important changes in diet and lifestyle which are a benefit to one’s health include: Avoiding tobacco use, maintaining a healthy weight, maintain a healthy diet and perform some type of daily physical activity (Willett et al., n.d.). Avoiding tobacco products is the single most effective way to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease and cancer (Willett et al., n.d.). Maintaining a healthy weight will help reduce the risk of coronary artery disease, hypertension and type 2 diabetes. Overweight and obese individuals are more likely to be at higher risk of mortality from colon, breast, kidney and endometrial cancer (Willett et al., n.d.).

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