Controversy on Medical Marijuana Use and Medical Marijuana Law

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Controversy on Medical Marijuana use and Medical Marijuana Law
Like The medical dangers of Marijuana “It seems that the potential dangers presented by the medical use of Marijuana may actually contribute to the dangers of the diseases which it would be used to combat” (p 2).
The main overall findings were an increased risk of mortality associated with Marijuana use. Marijuana use has been advocated as a therapeutic adjunct in order to make more tolerable the nausea and loss of appetite and other symptoms.
The debate over the legalization of Marijuana has been a controversial for a long time. The issue at hand is whether the good health effects of the drug than the bad health effects and from this the argument arises for whether the drug should be legalized. In the past few years, it has been evaluated this issue through various studies in pharmaceutical laboratories, and it needs to star been considered as a form of medication, and it has been showed new beneficial uses of this illicit drug. Marijuana is viewed by society as having negative effects on everybody’s health. Marijuana is currently being used for medical purposes such as to relieve pain, nausea, and even to treat glaucoma.
Considering all statements and opinions made, it shows and it has been proved that the topic about the legalization of Marijuana use has to be based on facts and not in Myths, and only with small sporadic studies because Marijuana is illegal under Federal Law.
Marijuana is much safer than tobacco, because it does not cause cancer and it is less addictive; when it used in a correctly manner it relieves rather than anxiety and depression, and I said before shows the promise of curing cancer. Smoking anything is not particularly good for the lungs...

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Euthanasia. (n.d.) Merriam-Webster online. Retrieved from
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Institute of Medicine Staff. (2001).Health and Behavior: The Interplay of Biological, Behavioral, and Societal Influences. (p 87) Washington, DC. National Academies Press.
The medical dangers of Marijuana use. (n.d.) (2011) Health _ Concerns: What are the Medical Dangers of Marijuana use? (p2) Retrieved from

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