Contributing Factors to Divorce

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Most people around the world look for their soulmates who will spend with them their entire life. When they think they have met the right person, they decide to get married. Marriage is a unification of two hearts. The couples share their life and depend on each other. Unfortunately, a lot of marriages fail and lead to divorce. When some couples are unable to preserve their marriage, they resort to divorce. Nowadays, the phenomenon of divorce have been very common around the world. Why some happy marriages fail? There can be many factors that contrbute to divorce. The three main reasons behind divorce are: shortage of communication, cheating, and addiction.

Lack of communication is a major cause of separation. When couples confront a problem, they don’t have the communication skills that could help them resolve the problem. In addition, due to work and other activities, husbands can fairly stay busy and away from their wives and children. Therefore, wives will spend less time talking to their husbands, so she might feel lonely. Moreover, sometime relationships tend to be cold when one side does not put an effort into listening, expressing feelings or discussing problems to the other side. Some problems will escalate when couples don’t talk with one another about them from the beginning because they are afraid of hurting the other partner. For instance, having children is one of the important matters in marriage life, but some people don’t want to talk about it. Therefore, one of the spouses might think that he or she isn't able of raising a child. So they avoid trying not to hurt the other partner emotionally. On the other hand, sometimes spouses don’t give each other the opporionity to express their feeling and opinions. In a...

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... spouse suffer from his addiction, and some does not change. Moreover, what lead non addictive spouse to decide to divorce is that his or her spouse is endangering the family and wasting money. For inctance, when people are addictict to drugs can easily sell their family just becoust having some dirty drugs. We should pay attention to addiction because it is one of the most serious reasons that leads to divorce.

To sum up, a happily marriage may break down becouse of the lack of communication, cheating, and addiction to drugs or alchohol. To have a happy marriaga life, spouses have to avoid these teree factors. In fact, divorce have bad consequences on both parents and children. Parents have to think alot before they divorce. Recently, the raise of divorce rate had increased rapidly. Will the divorce rate will stil increasing? What can we do to stop it?

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