The Construction Industry in The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

533 Words2 Pages

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Background to the research

The construction industry in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is moving through a process of adaptation to a new environment of economical change. With the change in the KSA economic driving force, the construction sector is driven by competitive pressure to adapt to the recent market requirements and government regulations. The world is also in a continuous state of change and no one is exempt from this process. Increased worldwide competition, technology innovations, insufficiency of resources, all exerts a major pressure in adopting new technologies. In the business enterprise point of view, the intention for change is always a difficult and costly task and yet the capability to withstand the pressure demands and developing technologies becomes the essential ingredient for eternity. Economic, technological, social and political issues, meanwhile, have forced decision makers in construction industry to become commercially aware of their business directions. New initiatives are introduced, innovations are generated and chan...

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