The Constitution of the United States

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The Constitution of the United States of America is one of the most famous documents in history. It did not just serve as an outline of our nations government for our founding fathers, but also for their grandchildren, and their grandchildren’s grandchildren, and so forth. However no one is perfect and today American Politicians fight over the true meaning of the Constitution; although they still believe in the wisdom it entrusts, it is hard for some to oversee political barriers and examine the true meaning of their position such as The Constitution presents. After the challenges that resulted from The Articles of Confederation, the Framers sat down and created something new. The Constitution was not written to divide, but unite, and the fifty-two-word preamble does just that. “In Order to form a more perfect Union.” Under the Article of Confederation America lacked being united. Confederation means, “a voluntary association of independent states in which the member states agree to only limited restraints on their freedom of action,” (Bardes, Shelley, and Schmidt 37). The main problem that lied in America was the lack of being united. Article II of the Articles of Confederation stated that, “Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every power, jurisdiction, and right, which is not by this Confederation expressly delegated to the United States in Congress assembled.” It is not possible for the national government to be in power if each state had their own independence, it was creating the thirteen countries of America, and was not united. Therefore the first part of the Preamble and the entire American Constitution addresses this problem and sets guidelines for a national government in order,... ... middle of paper ..., Shelley, Schmidt 71). The framers of the Constitution finally were able to protect the rights of every present and future American, by creating a government by the people, for the people. The current Congress as not done a just part of following through with the Preamble and the provisions it has. Congressmen often try and create legislation that either conflicts with The Constitution, or has already been solved by The Constitution. It is important and vital for the continuation of a perfect Union that Americans become knowledgeable of their countries handbook, and hold those that they elect accountable for the running of the greatest nation ever in existence. Works Cited Ketcham , Ralph . The Anti-Federalist Papers. Signet Classic, 1986. 357-385. Print. Shelley, Schmidt, and Bardes . "The Constitution ." American Politics Today. 2009. 28-78. Print.

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