Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF)

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The aim of this scenario-based assignment is to discuss the therapeutic intervention in the care of a patient with Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF). A brief summary of the patient’s medical history will be given while discussing one specific nursing problem in terms of heart rate/ rhythm. Also, an overview of aetiology will be given as well as pathophysiology in order to explain the rationale for treatment and monitoring. Relevant research relating to the literature will be utilised throughout in order to critically analyse the care provided for the patient and determine if the patient received evidence based up-to-date care. In accordance with the statement from the Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) code of conduct regarding patient confidentiality, no personal details of the patient involved will be disclosed. Therefore, the patient will be identified as Mrs S. Mrs S. is an 88 years old female patient who lives on her own, and was admitted into a rehabilitation ward following a hip operation due to a fall at home. She has a past medical history of Congestive Cardiac Failure (CCF), diverticulitis, and asthma. Also, Mrs S presented with rapid weight loss, palpitation, feeling tired, peripheral oedema, fatigue, difficulty breathing when lying flat in the bed, waking up at night with shortness of breath and anxiety. In addition to all that she had a pressure sore in her bottom that was not broken. In order to have good holistic care of Mrs S, the nursing process was used as identified by Sibson. Sibson (2010) identifies four key steps to the nursing process, which are assessment, planning, implementation and evaluation; which are important for ensuring a quality standard of nursing care. Malik et al (2004) referred to reflecti... ... middle of paper ... [Accessed 15 March 2011] Crumbie, A. (2007) Caring for the patient with a cardiovascular disorder In: Wash, M. & Crumbie, A. Watson’s Clinical Nursing and Related Sciences. 7th Ed. Bailliere Tindall Elsevier. London pg 244 – 324. Malik, M., Hall, C. & Howard, D. (2004) Nursing Knowledge and Practice: a foundation for decision making. 2nd edn. Edinburgh: Bailliere Tindall. Nursing & Midwifery Council (2008) Code of professional conduct: Standards for conduct, performance and ethics. London: NMC Sibson, L. (2010) Assessing needs and the nursing process. In: Paete, I (2nd eds.) Nursing care and the activities of living. London: Wiley-Blackwell. Pp.38-58. Trounce, J. (2000) Clinical pharmacology for nurses: the role of the nurse in drug administration. 16th Ed. London: Churchill Livingstone.

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