Numerical concepts

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Imagine you are sitting in your office when a little child comes bouncing in to the room, filled with curiosity. They look around the room and begin to question everything they see before their eyes fall on a large bookshelf against the wall. The little child looks at the shelf in awe, and exclaims “There must be a million books there!” Most of us who have spent time with a little kid at some point have probably heard them over exaggerate when it comes to guessing the amount of something, but not all of us have considered why this might be. It is interesting that as a person looks at an item presented before them, they also have a concept of the amount in front of them, and this develops more and more with age. It is not innate.
In the article by Ashcraft and Moore, the authors investigate the development of an individual’s numerical concept. The two authors have written a few articles together, and Ashcraft is currently the chair of the Department of Psychology at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, and has written approximately 12 research based articles. Ashcraft’s area of focus lies in investigating issues in mathematical cognition and many of his articles, such as the one referenced here, explore this area of cognition. This article has been referenced in at least 15 other articles as well, and seems to prove a reliable source on the topic.
In the original article I have chosen to replicate, the authors tested elementary age children and a small group of college students. In the study a number line was presented on a computer monitor with the appropriate endpoints shown below the line, 0 was placed on the left and a number, either 100 or 1000, was presented at the right. They would show a hash mark on the screen f...

... middle of paper ... jar, I did not account for the students counting the candies and trying to mathematically attempting to figure out the amount in the jar. In the second reduplication of the study I believe if I had given the students a larger sample, it would have given more clear results rather than the amount I had given. I also had no way to tell if students were indeed guessing, or counting the amount on the page.
I believe that I understand the original study much more after my attempt to reduplicate it and form it to a college setting. If I was to do this again, I would do what I could to limit variables, such as allowing students to count. The experiment could also benefit much from a sample with larger age differences.

Works Cited

Ashcraft, M. &. (2012). Cognitive processes of numerical estimation in children. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology , 246-267.

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