Complementary and Alternative Medicine

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Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is slowly becoming better known all over the world. CAM encompasses various types of therapies, such as yoga, reflexology, chiropractic therapy, herbal therapy, ayurveda, meditation, biofeedback, hypnosis, homeopathy, acupuncture, etc. The evidenced-based research, recognition of disconnect between patients and also the positive and negative aspects of CAM modalities are reasons behind the increased attention it has gained in medicals schools all over the United States. (Hart, 2009, p. 287).

The major concern behind CAM is that it covers a rather broad range of therapies, most of which have not been able to establish any proper scientific basis. This results in a lot of objection from the researchers and collegiate officials that it does not qualify to obtain its place as important learning in the medical school curricula. However, cancer patients have said that they have benefited from CAM therapies, during and after their exhaustive treatments. This shows that there is scope for some CAM methods to be legitimate.

The point to pay close attention to is, that these patients went through what is called integrative medicine. Hart definition of it is, integrative medicine can be defined as an approach to practice of medicine that makes use of the best- available evidence, taking into account the whole person (body, mind, and sprit), including all aspects of lifestyle.(as cited in Kligler et al., 2004) . Attitudes of medical students towards CAM seem to be slightly more enthusiastic, at Georgetown University School of Medicine, in Washington D.C. Ninety-one percent believed that CAM should be includes ideas and methods from which allopathic medicine can benefit from. Seventy-five per...

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...t preventative therapies which will help to keep people in good shape. These will benefit the entire healthcare system as a whole. It will reduce the expenditure of healthcare, as we will be looking at preventative measure taking precedence. I truly believe that evidence based CAM methods and humanistic approaches should become a part of the medical school curricula. This will make a big impact on healthcare in the future.

Works Cited
Hart, Jane (2009). CAM and Medical Education. Alternative and Complementary Therapies, 15, 287-291

Klinger B,Maizes V, Schachter S, et al. Core competencies in integrative medicine for medical school curricula: A proposal. Acad Med 2004; 79; 521-531

Trask, J. Chapter 8 Alternative Methods [Power Point slides]. Retrieved from Lecture Notes Online Website:

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