The Competing Values Framework

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The Competing Values Framework is originated by Quinn and Rohrbaugh. It emphasizes the organizational problems and choices faced by managers. The framework is divided into various managerial roles corresponding situations, as well as specific organizational environments. For instance, the facilitator and mentor roles rely on cohesion and morale to bring about human resource development within the organization. While the innovator and broker roles rely on flexibility and readiness in order to receive the growth and resource needed to perform an effective organization. The director and producer roles are more applicable for planning and goal setting skills and will result in productivity and efficiency. The monitor and coordinator roles are intended to managing information and communicating. The framework can also be divided into two main roles. The first four mentioned above are the transformational roles, and the last four are the transactional roles (Belasen, 1996). The transformational roles are more aimed toward making changes and developments, while the transactional roles have strong emphasizes on managerial authorities. The key to becoming a master manager is to be a successful manager who is able to perform each role in order to cope with all difficulties being faced as a manager (Quinn, 1988). A successful manager is also someone who is perceived by others as performing all of the eight roles more frequent than a normal manager and recognizes each of its importance thoroughly (Denison, 1995). A study by Bono (2004) also shows that giving importance to any specific working environment, such as rational goal model, may lower the effectiveness of other areas. Denison and Spreitzer (1991) stated that when a manager does not gi...

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...d learning styles (Bono, 2004). Similarly, not all managers face the same organizational environments and demands. Therefore, one must take all of these factors, which are experiences, traits, working styles, attitudes into considerations to determine the future of a particular manager. Although, in reality, it may be hard to determine these since we do not know the extent to which we are able to determine the successfulness of one manager. However, in most organizations, interpersonal, administrative, work focus, and emotional stability are the biggest factors to determine leadership effectiveness (McCormack, 2002). In addition, it is also correct to say that one of the reasons that cause managers to be unsuccessful is stress. Although stress seems to be a huge factor in a working environment, it is actually only a small factor in our determination in this case.

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