Comparison of Styles of Creative Intelligence

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On this occasion I will compare and contrast the four styles of creative intelligence and the influence on organizational decision making. I will discuss the five influences on the mental models/mind sets and will include and explain examples of how these are commonly used to guide my decision making at work and how these models influence my decision making at work.

What is creative thinking? Creative thinking is; the process used when one comes up with a new idea. It can be accidental or deliberate (Creative Thinking, n.d). This involves insights, synthesis and the ability to react to novel situations and stimuli. This he considers the experiential aspect of intelligence and reflects how an individual connects the internal world to external reality (Sternberg's, 2004).

Creativity is a talent that we all possess. It consists of a set of skills that can be learned, developed and used. An individual can think creatively in any situation. People creative ability depends very much on your self-belief, and you can influence your brain to be more creative.

Creativity involves looking beyond the boundaries of our normal thinking. It is the ability to keep an open mind and see new perspectives and to generate and or develop different ideas (Naiman, 2007). It also includes conscious efforts to see things differently, to break out of habits and out-dated beliefs to find new ways of thinking, doing and being. Creativity is a natural, normal aspect of healthy human beings. What counts is whether the novelty he or she produces is accepted to solve an issue.

Research shows that anyone with normal intelligence is capable of doing some degree of creative work. Creativity depends on a number of things: experience, including knowledge and technical skills; talent; an ability to think in new ways; and the capacity to push through uncreative dry spells (Kelly, 2004). The everyday expression of creativity often takes the form of trying out a new approach to a familiar problem.

People create things and ideas every day. Often, people create worry and negative imaginations - images of things that will never happen. These worries provide a diversion to the harsh reality that exists in some companies. These worries and the stress of trying to function in a hostile environment, deplete the creativity that could be channeled into positive forms (Unlocking natural creativity - Everyone is creative!, 2008).

Everyone is capable of having a creative spirit. It does not just mean getting better ideas; but kind of general awareness that takes individuals to greater enjoyment of work and the people in your life: a spirit that can improve collaboration and communication with others.

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