Comparing the French Revolution and the American Revolution

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A revolution is a take over a government and to put another government in its place. The Revolution began in 1775, and America was ready for change, freedom, and a disconnection with Great Britain . Taxes, trade regulations, and most of all, power made all colonist, except for loyalist, want to leave from Great Britain's rule.The American Revolution has certain similarities and qualities of the French's revolution. The similarities and qualities are in their economies, leaders, ideology, and provocation.

The American Revolution was started basically because of problems with the

British economy. The major concept of the time was "taxation without

representation". After the French and Indian war, the British

government was burdened with a huge debt. They wanted to tax more to

the colonist because they were the ones helped the most from the war.

Ordinary people had always been taxed lightly in America, but they did

not want their money to be used to support the British. The first major

tax imposed on the colonist was the Sugar Act of 1764. This act

increases the duties on imported sugar and other items such as

textiles, coffee, wines, and indigo. One of the other taxes levied was

the Stamp Act. The act required that revenue stamps be put on all legal

documents, deeds, newspapers, pamphlets, dice, and playing cards. Most

of the colonist disapproved the act. They showed their disapproval by

destroying the stamps, and basically resorting to violence. The other

tax imposed was the Townsend Act. The Townsend Act was put in affect to

collect duties on colonial imports of glass, red and white lead,

paints, paper, and tea. Both the Stamp and Townsend Acts were imposed

to help pay for the costs of British soldiers living in America, and to

protect the American colonies. Also, trading restrictions enforced by

Britain angered the colonist. The British basically wanted, and tried,

to have a mercantilist economy in Amemercantilismmentalist discouraged

any trading between the colonist, and any other country other than

Britain. The colonist did not really care about most of the British

rules, and they again were able to overturn the rules once again.

In France, the bourgeoisie and the peasants totally disliked the tax

system. Both revolutions were started mainly because of taxation. Due

to the Seven Year War and American Revolution, the government of the

French was in a huge debt. The French rebels looked on to the American

Revolution, and copied the idea of "taxation without representation".

At the time, the peasants and bourgeoisie had to pay taxes.

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