Comparing Machiavelli And Immanuel Kant

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Today, everyone is subject to criticism and that is because we are being scrutinized in everything that we do. However, the one that takes most of the heat are the ones that are in charge. In the reading selections by Niccolo Machiavelli and Immanuel Kant, these two details on how an ideal ruler should lead and behave. To begin with, Machiavelli explains that all men, especially princes have different qualities and that these characteristics are how the outsiders judge them. “Some, for example, are held to be generous, and others miserly…some are held to be benefactors, others are called grasping; some cruel, some compassionate; one man faithless, another faithful; one man effeminate and cowardly, another fierce and courageous… and so forth” (Trials of Modernity, 9). In addition to that, Machiavelli says that as much as everyone desires a prince or any man to have these qualities, he cannot have these characteristics or observe them completely. Although he points out that the criticisms that the prince …show more content…

Machiavelli then goes on to compare if the prince should either be feared or loved or vice versa. He starts out by giving an introduction saying that a prince may want to have an image of compassion rather than for cruelty; none the less, he must be careful that he does not make a bad use of compassion. Which turns to this point, if someone goes down a path, he must not put in too much effort that will tip the scale. Machiavelli then states that even though one wants to have both,

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