Community Corrections: Helping Offenders Re-enter Their Place in the Community

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As a society, one is faced with many daily challenges. As 650,000 offenders are being released from prison this year, the success of their reintegration is dependent on a number of factors. The responsibility of Probation Officers is to provide the supervision of offenders as they re-enter into population. The supervision of the offender is the Probation officer’s basis for treatment in the rehabilitation of that offender. Community Corrections is the attempt to protect society of the government to help offenders re-enter their place in the community and monitor their behavior allowing for the protection of society make sure they abide by the law at the same time. Most non-violent offenders who have been convicted of a crime and served a very small portion of their sentence will be of the eligible inmates ready to release into society from what was once an incentive based system. In theory, monitoring and assisting offenders while in the community protects society from criminal predation without taxpayers having to shoulder the financial cost of incarcerating all its offenders. Analyzing demographics, income, race, criminal history, traits, we see a complicated pattern of recidivism that falls beyond the officer’s control. The cases of re-incarceration stem from prison overcrowding and a new corporate prison system in some state which brings an easy stream of offenders in, however, a more precarious system for inmates to complete their sentence. Since outdated laws found their genesis in their war against drugs in the late 80’s, it resulted in a prison boom and overpopulation. Careful study shows that once an inmate was introduced to the system it was extremely tough to get out of due because once put on parole, the fees, fines, r...

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...consecutive years United States correctional populace sank. Although a 0.7 % decline of correction population in 2012 was seen, this was the slightest rate of decline noted in several years. 2.9% of adult citizens or 1 in every 35 in the United States, was on under some sort of correctional supervision whether that be incarceration, parole, probation. Another important factor is community supervision and its effectiveness. The correction officers ability to focus on the offenders cause of the current situation as opposed to the effects in executing sentences, fines, and other obligations in a timely fashion puts less pressure on the system overall. This is due to the fact offenders are released back into their particular demographic without the weight of any stipulations due to their offense which leads the offender to have some leeway if accused of another crime.

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