Combating Type 2 Diabetes Epidemic in America

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In order to combat the epidemic of type 2 diabetes in America, a series of subsidies and social programs promoting and mandating nutrition and exercise for weight loss should be created with the trillion dollar budget. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes in America is rising and has doubled over the last 30 years to 23 million (Campbell). Currently, it costs the nation about $90 billion a year to treat the complications of type 2 diabetes (Hoerger). Added with the co-morbidities of type 2 diabetes, namely cardiovascular disease, obesity, and kidney failure, it becomes apparent that drastic measures are needed. In order to combat this epidemic, the U.S. Congress is proposing to use a trillion dollars to do whatever it takes to reduce the medical and financial impact of type 2 diabetes on the nation. Several solutions are possible including pharmacological interventions, additional research into drugs or causes, and social programs. It is in these social programs that hold the greatest promise to minimize the impact of type 2 diabetes. By treating and reducing obesity, the costs of type 2 diabetes will be decreased. Treatment of obesity essentially consists of weight loss through both high quality nutrition and exercise. Specifically this will be accomplished though the promotion of high fiber and high protein foods with a reduction in sodas and the use of high fructose corn syrup. On the exercise side, those that are obese or overweight will be given trainers to engage in high intensity and resistance exercising. By diminishing the amount of obese and overweight people through subsidies and social programs promoting exercise and nutrition, type 2 diabetes can be reduced or controlled.

Type 2 diabetes is closely related to...

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...s Association. Sep/Oct 2009 49:5 S3-S9.

4. Gaesser, Glenn. “Carbohydrate Quantity and Quality in Relation to Body Mass Index.” Journal of the American Dietic Association. 2007. 1768-1777.

5. Hoerger, Thomas. Ahmann, Andrew. “The Impact of Diabetes and Associated Cardiometabolic Risk Factors on Members: Strategies for Optimizing Outcomes.” Journal of Managed Care Pharmacy. 2008. S2-S14.

6. Stewert, K J. “Exercise training: can it improve cardiovascular health in patients with type 2 diabetes?” British Journal of Sports Medicine. 2004. 250-252.

7. Westerp-Plantenga, MS. et. al. “High Protein Intake Sustains Weight Maintenance after Body Weight Loss in Humans.” International Journal of Obesity. 2004. 57-64.

8. Wing, Rena. et. al. “Lifestyle Intervention in Overweight Individuals with a Family History of Diabetes.” Diabetes Care. 1998. 350-359.

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