College Entry Essay: On Studying Mathematics

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For some time I have dreamt of becoming a good Maths teacher. In the Sixth Form, my interest was aroused by the passion shown by my Maths teacher who is also my main source of inspiration. I was impressed with her effective methods of teaching and her enthusiasm in making the lessons interesting regardless of how dull the topic was. Brunei is lacking effective Maths teachers so I would like to add to the existing few and improve Maths education in my country. I realised that students in Brunei tend to dislike Maths because they were taught through memorisation rather than grasping the Mathematical concept. Thus, when I graduated as a Maths teacher, I hope to change the mindset of teachers and students so that they will be enchanted in learning Maths and enjoy exploring the subject. For these reasons I have chosen to pursue a degree course in Mathematics and Computing.
I participated in various international competitions such as the Australian Mathematics Competition where I obtained a Credit in 2010 putting myself in the top 45% in Brunei and the World Maths Day organized by the Com...

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