Cognitive Learning and Right Brain vs. Left Brain

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Children are exceptional cognitive learners. They have the ability to observe, mimic and retain information by way of their senses. From zero months to five years of age, children are dependent on their cognitive skills to develop and learn within their environment. In my opinion, children are the prime example of the unbound potential that humans to learn. I will be discussing what cognitive learning is and how it contributes to learning and if right versus left-brain dominance impacts how we use our cognitive skills.

What is cognitive learning and why is it vital to humans? Cognitive is defined by unabridged dictionary as the “mental processes of perception, memory, judgment, and reasoning, as contrasted with emotional and volitional processes”. Learning is the act or process of acquiring knowledge or skill. After thoroughly looking at both definitions I have determined that cognitive learning in my opinion; is the ability to retain, process, analyze information through three of our four senses, sight, hearing and touch. When you think to yourself about retaining information does memory come to mind? Do you even think about how you remember learning to read or solve a math problem or even what memory is? Sutton, J., (2010) states that memory is “diverse set of cognitive capacities by which we retain information and reconstruct past experiences, usually for present purposes”. Sutton’s definition shines a light on how important memory is to human development and the learning process.

Memory determines if you retain what you have learned; without memory the past does not exist. Memory is a vital part in the learning process, it gives you the know how to perform and process new information learned. Though memory is im...

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..., work together to make us who we are. Ultimately the brain is what drives us, by developing our cognitive skills we learn to be productive members of society.


Cognitive. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from website:

Learning. (n.d.). Unabridged. Retrieved October 10, 2011, from website:

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