Classroom Management

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Classroom management plays an important role in effective teaching by providing a desirable environment which promotes better learning and student growth. The most important effect that classroom management has on student behavior is that it promotes better learning because students can better focus when their environment is free from distraction and conflict. When a teacher provides a well-organized and controlled environment, student’s academics interest and performance increase while behavioral issues decreased (Pope, 2010). One classroom management technique I plan to use in my future classroom setting will include the use of cooperative learning. According to Maher (2010), cooperation learning leads to higher group and individual achievement, higher-quality reasoning strategies, more frequent transfer of these from the group to individual members, greater metacognitive skills, and more new ideas and problem-solving. Students will be assigned heterogeneous groups with a mixture of high achievers with low achievers. Groups will also be created to ensure diversity between gender and ethnicity.
Can jigsaw learning environment lead to higher group and individual achievement?
What is the benefit of the jigsaw classroom?
How does focused organization impact student learning?
How do assigned group roles affect student participation?
One method I plan to use in a cooperative learning environment will be a jigsaw technique. According to Aronson (2014), jigsaw is a remarkably efficient way for students to learn the material; more importantly, the jigsaw process encourages listening, engagement, and empathy by giving each member of the group an essential part to play in the classroom activity. Group membe...

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...ative and qualitative methods (Rivera, 2013).
Quantitative and qualitative data will be collected at multiple times during a six-week period. The data collection timetable will show the six-week project.

Aronson, E., 2014, Exploring the Jigsaw Classroom, Social Psychology Network, Retrieved from
Maher, L., 2010, Strategies to Increase Participation in Cooperative Learning Groups, Retrieved from
Pope, J., 2013, eHow Contributor, “Importance of Classroom Management Plans in Classroom,”
Read more:
Rivera, N., 2013, Cooperative Learning in a Community College Setting: Developmental Coursework in Mathematics, Retrieved from

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