Class Classification in Arnold Wesker’s Roots

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Arnold Wesker, an English playwright, a writer of international reputation, was born in Stephney (London) on 24 May,1932.He is the author of about Forty two plays mainly for the stage, four books of short stories, two collections of essays, a book for young people, three more of non-fiction and an autobiography. His works depict various themes, ideas, an obvious expression of deep sympathy, dreams, hopes and the humanism. Wesker is a dramatist with distinct social leanings. Roots is the second play of Wesker Triology which begins with Chicken soup with Barley and ends with I’m talking about Jerusalem. Roots considered as kitchen- sink drama as this drama revolved, both physically and psychologically, around the kitchen sink. It is a play of relationships; husband-wife relationship, mother-daughter relationship, siblings’s relationship, man-woman relationship and master - servant relationship. Roots bring in light the problems of working class in the 20th century. Wesker brings out apathy of working class, dullness, stubbornness, drabness and cultural decadence. He stressed on importance of education because education is the only tool which will make them fully humane in this materialistic society. Through Roots Wesker urges working class to fight against existing social system by becoming educated and taking part in discussions to improve their condition. The play is a powerful attack on pop culture which has deadend the intellectuality of working class. . He focussed on evolutionary measures not on revolutionary. Wesker believes that art, culture and education can bring huge change in condition of working class. Keywords: Materialism, Intellectuality, Cultural Decadence . Roots is the second play of Wesker Triology in which the... ... middle of paper ... ... orderliness, his approach to life all belongs with the environment which he received in his growing phase in his family. Working class people’s approach to life is just casual and selfish. It is of indifference and helplessness which affects their interpersonal relationships in a family. The play successfully points out lack of communication among working class people due to their inability to express themselves. Their rigidness, stubbornness on their part is the main cause for their apathetic condition. In this play, Wesker clearly brings out the fact that if the working class people have strong roots planted in the soil of education and manure with art , culture and literature then only they will be able to communicate and articulate themselves and will lead harmonious relationships. Works Cited Wesker.Arnold.Roots.Chandigarh:Arun Publishing House,2004

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