Civil Rights: Pickets and Sit-ins

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In the early 19th century segregation was strongly enforced especially in the deep southern areas of the US like in Alabama Mississippi. Segregation is the separation of the white people, and the colored people. Not only the blacks were separated they were treated very harshly, abused, and humiliated. The amount of respect that a full grown black adult had less respect as for a young white child. Throughout the 1960s was the peak of climax for the segregation whereas protest , sit ins were being acted. Sit ins and pickets were the way that colored people made their point that they wanted freedoms. The civil rights movement was a battle fought by African Americans from the mid 1950s to the later parts of the 1960s, to gain equal civil rights of those of the white people. This was the most impacting political event that happened in the 1900s as it had the most effect on the political institutions of the United States. This movement not only affected the African American but it also affected women, disabled people, and many other races as well. The civil rights movement had been named the Second Reconstruction. During the period of the Second Reconstruction the Fourteenth Amendment (giving equal protection of the laws) and the Fifteenth Amendment (males’ right to vote regardless of race) were passed. In February 1, 1960 there was a group of a few young men that had entered the Woolworth Company store to purchase school supplies. All the men that were in the store were freshmen at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College. After purchasing their supplies they had got in line in the lunch counter where food was served to only white people. With the young men knowing that there was a chance that they would not get ser... ... middle of paper ... ...-carolina-students-sit-us-civil-rights-1960 "Sit-Ins." Civil Rights Movement 1955-1965:. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Nov. 2013. What the main thing that the website gave information on about the sit in and picketing that occurred in february 1,1960. In february 1 several men have entered woolworth company store in Greensboro , North Carolina . They had purchased normal school supplies , and went to the lunch counter , where they asked and waited to be served knowing that there was a chance that they won’t be served. The four men that were brave enough to wait at the segregated counters were all freshman’s at the North Carolina Agricultural and Technical College. The young men had waited to be served till the store closed at the end of the night , which they were forced to exit the closed store.

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