Chuck Palahniuk's Fight Club

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“I had to know what Tyler was doing while I was asleep. If I could wake up in a different place, at a different time, could I wake up as a different person?” (Palahniuk 32). When Tyler is in action, narrator is not contemporaneous in a sense that he is Tyler now. Tyler is someone who doesn’t give any importance to money-oriented world but he indeed believes in the willpower of constructing a classless society. The narrator is insomniac, depressed, and stuck with unexciting job. Chuck’s prominent, pessimistic, radical work, Fight Club, investigates inner self deeper and deeper into personality, identity, and temperament as a chapter goes by. Through his writing, Chuck Palahniuk comments on the inner conflicts, the psychoanalysis of narrator and Tyler Durden, and the Marxist impression of classicism. By not giving any name to a narrator, author wants readers to engage in the novel and associate oneself with the storyline of narrator. The primary subject and focus of the novel, Fight Club, is to comment socially on the seizing of manhood in the simultaneous world. This novel is, collectively, a male representation where only a single woman, Marla Singer, is exemplified. “Tyler said, “I want you to hit me as hard as you can” (46). This phrase is a mere representation of how to start a manly fight club. However, in the novel this scene is written as if two people are physically fighting and splashing blood all over the parking lot, in reality it’s just an initiation of fight club which resides in narrator’s inner self. The concept of this club is that the more one fights, the more one gets sturdier and tougher. It is also a place where one gets to confront his weaknesses and inner deterioration.
The estrangement of self bears a resem...

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...y in terms of the id, ego, superego, abandonment, the origins of unconsciousness, etc. where Tyler represents id, society is superego, and lastly narrator is ego. This novel is a great depiction of psychoanalysis theory and heavily grounded on the conflicts of inner self. From the first day of fight club till the end of this novel, there were several alterations of mind forces---id, ego, and superego---that took place. Along with the Sigmund Freud’s psychoanalysis, Karl Marx’s Marxism also balances out the effects of socioeconomic, in the society, with the human psychology.

Work Cited
Palahniuk, Chuck. Fight Club. New York. London: Norton & Company. 1996. Print.
Slaughter, Cliff. Marxism & the Class Struggle. New Park Publication. 1975. Web.
May 20, 2014.
Tyson, Lois. Critical Theory Today: A User-Friendly Guide. New York: Garland Publishing,
1999. Print.

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