Christina Rossetti

1971 Words4 Pages

Christina Rossetti grew up in London, England with her three siblings. She grew up with a religious family who influenced her writing dramatically. Growing up, Christina was exposed to her parents’ opinions and the wealthy lifestyle. She didn’t know much about other people and their beliefs. When she began to fall in love, her beliefs stood in the way of following her heart. Christina based her love life around her family’s religious beliefs and she was not able to express her feelings to those whom she loved. Christina Rossetti expressed feelings in her poems about the absence of love throughout her life.

Rossetti was born in London, England. She was accompanied by her mother and father and three siblings. When she was young, her father got deathly ill with cancer and could not work. Rossetti and her mother opened up their own school in order to help support the family once her father became ill. When Christina was growing up, she was never exposed to the poor lifestyle and she was mostly exposed to the richer side of living. When she was a small child, Christina never had good health. She was always getting sick and was never fully healthy. Since Rossetti was influenced greatly by her family’s decisions, her poetry was also influenced by them. Because Christina’s family was so religious, her poems reflected her father’s beliefs. “For Rossetti, the imagination is subject to the will and wisdom of God.” (Glenn Page: 65). Mr. Rossetti was so fond of God that Christina followed in her father’s footsteps and loved God with all her heart. The Rossetti family was very religious, her father and mother enforced all of her religious beliefs. When Rossetti began writing, she started writing religious poetry. Rossetti’s religious beliefs...

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... back to mind the way the two touched when they held hands, “If only now I could recall that touch, First touch of hand in hand! - Did one but know!”

Christina Rossetti was a very successful poet who had a wide variety of poetry. She grew up just like a normal girl would, who had a talent that was discovered at a young age of eighteen. Rossetti was greatly influenced about the different chapters that happened throughout her life. When readers read her poetry she has an amazing talent by having the readers imagines what she was imagining when she wrote the poetry. Christina based her love life around her family’s religious beliefs and she was not able to express her feelings to those whom she loved. Throughout her life she wrote poems that ranged from love to death. Christina Rossetti expressed feelings in her poems about the absence of love throughout her life.

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