Universal Religions

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As humans, change is very hard for us. We tend to stick in our comfort zones, and do things that are familiar to us. In the first millennium, at the time universal religions spread, humans were the same way. This is why, although, the political support of powerful figures played an important role in the spread of Mahayana Buddhism during the first millennium, the primary factor that helped Mahayana Buddhism spread, specifically in China, was syncretism, the idea of adapting and assimilating one’s faith towards another. Likewise, although the socio-economic appeal of converting to Islam played an important role in the spread of Islam in the first millennium, the primary factors that helped Islam spread were syncretism, the idea of adapting one’s faith towards another, and Islamization, the process of surrounding oneself in the culture of Islam and slowly adapting to it.

One factor in the spread of Islam was the socio-economic incentives of converting. Although, the Arab army rapidly conquered vast lands, the conversion to Islam in these areas happened more slowly. Muslims were tolerant of diversity and did not want to force their religion on people. However, immediately social and economic benefits began to encourage some under the Arab army’s rule to convert. Muslims didn’t have to pay taxes. “Probably some non-believers, given the choice of paying taxes or converting to Islam, submitted to Allah” . By converting, one could enhance his business, and political standing in the community. Arabic was also the language of trade and commerce so it was beneficial to assimilate to the culture. All of these incentives happened almost immediately after the Arab army concurred lands. However, by 750 C.E, less then ten percent of people, in ...

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...nomic incentives played important roles in the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Islam, syncretism, the idea of adapting and assimilating one’s faith towards another, played a primary role in both the spread of Mahayana Buddhism and Islam. In our modern society, many of our celebrations and gatherings also use the concept of syncretism. Christmas, as celebrated by European tradition, arose from pagan Yule holidays. Easter also as celebrated by European tradition incorporates spring fertility rites. In addition, the holiday of Halloween exemplifies the syncretism of Christianity and Paganism. Throughout history, and to this day, syncretism has played a huge role in the spread and development of ideas. Therefore, it is fair to say that syncretism was the primary factor in the spread of universal religions during the first millennium, and still affects us today.

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