Chris McCandless' Quest for Inner Peace Was a Success

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Chris McCandless, the main character of “Into the wild” was angered by his father’s infidelity and bigamy. As a result, Chris McCandless wanted to separate himself from his family and he begins a spiritual adventure to search for his identity. Chris McCandless isolates himself physically and emotionally to find freedom and peace by adventuring into the wild. Therefore, McCandless escapes from Emory University and immediately flees his dull and predictable life, heading west without a word to his family. Although, McCandless journey ends in a tragic ending, he fulfilled his ambition by pursuing his ambition and inner peace. In conclusion, McCandless journey was both a search for inner peace and transition to maturity.

During, McCandless scavenger for sense of peace within himself, a chance to calm the violent emotions from the complicated relationship with his parents with his father disloyalty. However through, the mental isolation and solitary experience during the deep forest for several weeks, McCandless began to contemplate not human relationship is not a necessity. His exper...

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