China's One Child Policy

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Many of us in the United States get a chance to choice our rights of the number children we conceive, but many other countries and cultures have different views of on children how they are treated. I will explain, China and India then go into detail on what I believe will be best for India’s future.

After the growth of more than 1.2 billion people, China became the largest population in the world. (8) In 1979, Chinese leader Deng Xiaoping limited Chinese population by enforcing the One Child Policy. (14) The One Child Policy is sets population controls so each couple can only have one child. If each couple only has one child they receive benefits such as: an impact on free health care and education, 3 months of maturity leave, as well as a job for the child once old and a sum of money. (11) If you decided to have a second child and didn’t have an abortion, you would have to pay back all of the benefits the government gave you. (11) This does not provide to twins however, if you have twins you get to keep both children and they each get benefits. (11) In many ways this sounds like a fantastic idea to conserve resources as well as maintain jobs and provide for families, but due to the important role men play in Chinese society, girls are almost frowned upon because the men is the one to carry on the traditional name as well as taking care of the parents and grandparents when older. When a couple finds out they have conceived a daughter, many will decide to have an abortion. (13) By doing this it impacts fertility rates dropping China down to 1.6%. (2) This means the amount of women fall so population will end up over time all men. While you can see the positive of having a one child policy, there are also set backs to the program.

India has enough people to affect for one-sixth of the worlds population. (9) India compared to the United States contains over ten times the people per square mile. While there growth seem like a small number of only 2% increase each year, that ends up being more than 18 million new babies to feed and take care of. (9) The reason behind this large number of births is that due to health concerns many of the children die.

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