Child Pornography: The Fuel for Pedophiles

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According to the American Heritage Dictionary the word pornography means: Sexually explicit pictures, writing, or other material whose primary purpose is to cause sexual arousal. The term child pornography applies for the sexual explicit material who involves minors of eighteen years of age. The human being as part of a civilized society it is meant to evolve and eradicate some kind of behaviors that make us go back as society and degrade our human nature. No matter the harshness of the punishments against the people who posses, make, distribute and so on child pornography this is something that is growing day by day and can be proved by the statistics. The enormous difference between the “regular” pornography and the child pornography it is not only the legal or illegal the moral or immoral, the people who realize and participate on those kinds of products are adults, are remunerated for what they do. In the case of child pornography the minors involved are obligated, mistreated, and sexually assaulted, some of these minor may have been kidnapped from their homes, other used by they own families to earn money in this unpleasant business. But the important point here it is the fact that the child pornography available it is the fuel for those pedophiles who are seeking innocent victims to satisfy their deviances. As society we have the power to prevent, enforce laws, monitor the internet, and take care of our little and defenseless ones of being victims of child pornography, and also we have the power to stop this illegal and rising trend that use children’s as mere objects of sexual pleasure. According to the statistics founded on the “Women services & resources website”, Child pornography generates $3... ... middle of paper ... ...for the rest of their lives, how can we call us a “society”. Everyone of us have the tools to stop this, first of all, understanding the differences between the legal and the illegal pornography, the legal it is the one where adults are involved. Second, we need to be aware that in the last years cases of pedophiles abusing kids are rising and we must protect our kids. And the third point it is that we have an important participation in the creation of new policies against child sexual crimes. As simple as signing an online petition, donating some money to the child rights associations who performs extensive campaigns against pedophilia, or even doing some research to know if in the surrounding area where we live is not living a register child molester. Little things like this can help to create a better society, and to extinguish this kind of unacceptable conducts.

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