Child Observation: 3 1/2 Year Old PreSchooler

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For 12 weeks I observed a young pre-schooler Child C aged 31/2 years old, through my account I would give an observer’s view of Child C, three theories peculiar to Child C and my the emotions evoked in me as an observer. My observation assisted in my understanding of the changes in Child C as the week progressed over the 12 weeks. My first few visits at the nursery Child C appeared boisterous and obnoxious. This led me to assume Child C was the class bully, I shared my finding with the class and the views were ambivalent and divided. I was concerned for a few weeks, however after a few more visits at the nursery my opinion changed as I realised Child C was not a bully but rather a self willed, assertive child. According to Piaget Child C’s thinking could be considered as self centred, he’s at an age (4) where he thinks his views are right and others are wrong. According to Piaget children within the age range of 2 – 6 are in the preoperational stage, at this age children are not yet able to comprehend reasoning, they are unable manipulate information hence the reason why they tend to make statements such as ‘he or she is not sharing’ or ‘it’s not fair’ or ‘I’m not your friend’, this sort of behaviour is referred to as egocentrism. During the preoperational stage children tend to become increasingly skilled or proficient at play acting and pretending, they also role play “mummy” and “daddy”, doctors, nurses to mention a few. For example in week 7 Child C was playing ‘mummies and daddies’ Child C offered to be the mummy laying the table and putting dinner on the table, Child C realised the table cloth was not placed properly on the table, he proceeded to take the cloth off the table and lay it properly. The other children com... ... middle of paper ... ...; this is demonstrated through how he imitates her culinary skills at the nursery. He tends to play act baking cakes, laying the table and table manners. He also demonstrates proximity maintenance as tends to want to be near his teachers or teachers assistant, he seems to bask in the attention they give him teachers approval or to report his peers to them, although Child C often plays with his peers he tends to gravitate toward his teachers especially when other children are talking to the teachers, as an observed it seems as if Child C is trying to stake his claim to all the teachers.I do not want to share her. Excerpts from week 3...Child C was in the play ground Works Cited (Bowlby, 1969, p. 194). (Neven R, S. P.21-emotional milestones from birth to adulthood: a psychodynamic approach.) Coleman, J.S. in Play by Brunner, J.S, Jolly, A and Sylva, K. (eds.)

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