Cheerleading is a Sport

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When most people think of cheerleading, they think of the spirit squads that attempt to pump up the local crowd at high school basketball and football games. People are not aware of what these athletes are doing when they are not in front of these crowds. Strangers to cheerleaders who do not follow the sport extensively do not know the exact involvement of the athletes in this sport, at all ages. Cheerleading requires athleticism like all other sports as you must be in shape and at a great fitness level to be involved in most circumstances. Cheerleaders have to know what they’re doing at all times; while knowing what everyone else on the team is doing as well, which involves a high level of mental preparation. Cheerleading, high school or club teams are now considered one of the most dangerous sports, and there is even a rule book for competition cheerleading now. The book consists of the same concepts that any other team sports such as football would include. The book has rules and regulations for jumps, stunts, tumbling, and many other conditions that involve the sport; School cheerleading, on the other hand, has very few rules and very seldom do they tumble or stunt. Most schools are not allowed to stunt they’re what is referred to as, “ground bound.” People that do not know the facts about cheerleading have deemed cheerleading as not being a sport, they usually call these teams a spirit club and show disrespect towards these athletes. If people knew all of the facts and strengths of cheerleaders, they would consider cheerleading to be a sport just as much as your common sports.
Just like many other common sports, cheerleading has grueling practices and extensive training that these athletes must be able to endure. These athl...

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...tted their time and bodies to this activity.

Works Cited

Almasy, Steve, Courtney Yager, and Sandra Endo. "Cheerleaders Prep for Hours in Search of 2½ Minutes of Perfection." CNN. Cable News Network, 15 July 2011. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
Burges, M.. N.p.. Web. 3 Mar 2014. .
Nicole, L.. N.p.. Web. 3 Mar 2014. .
Pennington, Bill. "As Cheerleaders Soar Higher, So Do the Risks." The New York Times. The New York Times, 31 Mar. 2007. Web. 03 Feb. 2014.
Price, Rob “The Ultimate Guide to Weight Training for Cheerleading” 2007 - ‎Health & Fitness pg 15
Easton, Tayler. "Learn About All Star Cheerleading Evaluations." American Cheerleader Magazine. N.p., 2014. Web. 03 Mar. 2014.
Ruddock, Rebecca. "Your Thoughts on Cheer." Personal interview. 12 Dec. 2013.

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