The Characterization of Cornelius Agrippa in Mary Shelley's The Mortal Immortal

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''The characterization of Cornelius Agrippa'' Cornelius Agrippa is one of the characters in Mary Shelley's short story ”The Mortal Immortal”. He is a scholar. He spends his life carrying different scientific experiments. From historical sources it is known that Cornelius Agrippa is an authentic person. He was an alchemist, who lived at the turn of the 15th and the 16th century. He was also a prototype for some literary heroes like Goethe's ''Faust.” He also appears as himself in Mary Shelley's ''Frankenstein” and in J.K.Rowling's” Harry Potter,” also in Sergei Prokofiev's opera ''The Fiery Angel”. The story in ''The Mortal Immortal” is told by the first person narrator, who is Winzy, the main hero of the short story. As it is the first person narration, it is in some places semi-objective, and in some places subjective. It is an important factor, because the whole presentation of Cornelius, all information about him are coming from his assistant Winzy, and not from an objective narrator. Cornelius is depicted in direct way by the narrator, who first of all is his as...

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