Chanticleer: the Rainbow Whirly Lollipop

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Once there was a rainbow whirly lollipop in a candy store, who was a very proud piece of candy. This whirly pop had all the flavors of the rainbow, including orange crème. Sadly raising their faces, all the other lollipops and candies swept their eyes up at him with admiration and then swept their eyes down at themselves unsatisfyingly. The whirly pop was friendly, though, and tried to encourage others with phrases like, “Oh, I know you can’t look as fantastic as I, but you still are a pretty shade of purple.” “Now I realize that your watermelon doesn’t taste as incredible as my orange crème in the third stripe, but I’m sure somebody would like to eat you.” He was very proud. One night, the whirly pop had a dream. He dreamed that this little human stole into the store and snatched him away without paying. Of course, he was proud over the fact that someone would go to such measures as to steal him, but he felt very cheap because he did not get paid for. The whirly pop woke up the next day in a cold sweat, and he started groaning as no rainbow whirly pop had ever groaned before. His wife, who gloriously sported a popular flavor, the bubbly-fruit flavor, looked over. She asked why he was so frightened. “Oh, it was the most horrid little human who reached over and stole me! I felt so cheap!” Scorningly, his wife tossed her flavoring and looked the other way just as the candy man, shopkeeper Pedro, unlocked and shoved the door open in order to enter the shop. Spurned, the rainbow whirly pop stood still, and thought again about the last night’s dream. He felt foolish for being so frightened. So bravely and strongly, the proud pop resolved to not be bothered by the horrid dream, and moved himself over to the front of all the lollipops. A...

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... in his eyes. Pedro had seen the pop! Pedro grabbed the boy’s tee shirt and demanded to get paid. Since he had no money, the boy was sentenced to do heavy cleaning work that Pedro had put off for quite a while. Soon after the confrontation, the boy was marched off to the chemical room and was handed some sponges. The boy tried to bend over to clean the sticky floor, but instead had to lie down since he could not reach the floor with his arms alone. Grumpily scrubbing the floor with bleach and ammonia, the boy passed by the whirly pop and glared at him through squinted eyes. The whirly pop stared back at the boy and moralized, “Never try to steal candy, or your plan might go out with a pop.” It is unknown if the boy actually heard the lollipop, as he promptly died from the fumes. So ends and concludes the story of the proud rainbow whirly pop in Pedro’s candy store.

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