Changing Times Depicted in Faulkner's The Sound and the Fury

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In The Sound and the Fury written by William Faulkner, Faulkner bases this story in theImaginary town of Jefferson, Mississippi. The Compson’s are a rich middle class family that has four children that seem to have problems with the thought of letting time move forward. What the family seems to experience is the dividing of the family

Quentin Compson the eldest son of the Compson family that personifies all the key elements of insanity that seems to be taken place in the imaginary town of Jefferson Mississippi, they once had high class and wealth. The Compson’s family in the beginning of their downfall is with Caddy

The novel tends to gravitate towards the fact the time is forever changing and the two that seem to be most affected by the change is Mr. Compson and Quentin. What serums to be the focal point is the young Caddy whom seems to be the only female except for Mrs. Compson. In the novel the times have changed and Caddy seems to be the representation of that in the south

What seems to affect the Compson family is the fact that time progress on even though n...

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