The Changed Roles of the Marketing Division

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“Marketing is not a task undertaken only by the marketing division”
The continuing confusion about the meaning and scope of marketing proves is a recurring factor in understanding the role and position of marketing within the firm. In the present paper, the changed role and responsibility of the marketing division will be discussed, in order to comment on the hypothesis that marketing is not a task undertaken only by the marketing department. The development of marketing itself over the years as a starting point for the discussion.
Marketing has evolved through a number of phases since its beginning. Phillip Kotler categorised the five major marketing eras that have evolved throughout time: the trade area, the production area, the sales area, the marketing department area and the marketing company area. In the trade era, production consisted in handmade goods that were limited and generally traded through exploration. The trade era was replaced by the production era at the time of the industrial revolution. Since goods were scarce, businesses focused mainly in manufacturing to meet growing demands making producers to put an emphasis on economical production with the given resources instead of carrying out effective researches to identify the market needs and wants (Jobber and Fahy, 2006, p. 5). After the Industrial Revolution, competition grew remarkably and made the focal point turn to selling, the sales era. Marketing, branding and sales became an important as outputs surpassed demand, and companies competed for customers. During the marketing department era (1940’s-1960’s) many companies changed their thinking, giving satisfying customers a higher priority than manufacturing products.
In the classical theory of marketing evo...

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...lysis showed that an understanding of requisite roles, responsibilities and the task of each division, due to different goal and time orientations, remains an important factor in order to prevent interdepartmental conflict and hinder cross-functional integration. Knowledge has to be transferred across departments to make it easier for functional areas to understand the concept of being driven by customer needs. Furthermore, existing market plans have to be explained to all employees to make them identify that their jobs have do with customers or customer needs, irrespective of the division they work in and of how little they market direction of the company.
“The most important contribution the marketing department can make is to be exceptionally clever in getting everyone else in the organisation to practice marketing” (Kotler, 2003, cited in Koster, 2013, p. 148).

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