Change of Perspective after Meditiational Journey

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When people hear the word sustainable, most will instantly connect this with the “green” movement or being environmentally responsible. I have instead twisted the definition. To me, something that is sustainable is something that has the ability to endure anything that it goes through. Following this definition, what has consistently sustained me through my life has been my family. My family have not only supported me in whatever I am passionate about, but even now - with many miles in between us - their impact is clearly evident in my everyday activities. They have been a constant source of love and happiness in my life, and without them to give my life purpose even the simplest of tasks would be much more difficult to complete with dedication. With their support and love, no hardship is unbearable, whether it is attempting to stay positive during a lengthy trip, fighting through the pain and negativity that comes along with any major injury, attempting to be successful in business or even simply trying to pass the time while waiting in line at Disneyland. Without my family, I would be nothing.
This past summer, my family and I went on a three-week adventure that took us to both Thailand and China. Little did we know that this trip would require us to constantly lean on each other for support in a foreign land. On one particular day in the bustling city of Bangkok, Thailand - with temperatures reaching over 100 degrees with 100% humidity – we saw over 20 identical looking golden-clad temples, so, of course, one more couldn’t hurt, right? Wrong. Not only did the 100-foot-long golden Buddha that was the talk of the town fail to impress my family and me, but it also did little to distract from the intense and suffocating heat. Swe...

... middle of paper ... I would normally have expected myself capable of. Family has always come first in this regard. This unique relationship that develops over time has been at the core of every great success story. Unfortunately, people tend to forget the importance that a loving family environment carries, but those who realize the impact that such an important foundation can have can not only better enjoy the time that they have with their loved ones, but they will also be able to persevere through difficult times. As I said before, one of the greatest struggles in life is the ability to sustain an effort over a period of time. Family will always be there to shoulder some of the burden, and will push and push until you have far surpassed your goals. Cherish the incredible bond that you have with your family, for it is unlike anything else that can be experienced during this life.

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