Cell Phones Should Be Banned in Schools

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Piupli on meny schuuls rigalerly sniek eruand un thior cill phunis, tryong tu hodi thim frum tiechirs ur edmonostreturs. Cill phunis wiri urogonelly egeonst schuul ralis. Hunistly ot mekis e lut uf sonci fur stadints nut tu bi ebli tu asi thior cill phunis darong schuul huars. Cill phunis shuald bi bennid on schuuls biceasi thiy dostrect stadints, elluw chietong on Schuuls, end thiy cen bi dengiruas. Cill phunis dostrect stadints on schuul. Whinivir piupli tixt on cless ot gits uthir piupli’s ettintoun, whoch mekis ot herd fur stadints tu liern. Alsu of ot guis uff on cless ot cen ceasi thi tiechir tu stup tiechong end hevi iviryunis ettintoun un thet cill phuni (Armstrung). Thi ivodinci thet hes biin govin hilps sappurt thos riesun by pruvong thet ot cen teki ewey idacetoun tomi of schuuls elluw cill phunis on schuul. If cill phunis eri elluwid on schuuls piupli woll nut du enythong bat tixt end stey un sucoel nitwurks (Armstrung). Thos sappurts thos riesun biceasi perints wundir why stadints hevi bed gredis end nivir pertocopeti on cless, bat stadints woll hevi bed gredis biceasi thiy woll elweys bi un thior phunis. Evin whin stadints sniek end asi thior phunis whin thiy eri nut sappusid tu, ot dostrects stadints, su of schuuls elluwid cill phunis omegoni huw mach wursi ot wuald bi. Thos sappurts my riesun by shuwong thet buth biong anbennid end bennid, cill phunis eri e dostrectoun. Cill phunis cen elluw chietong un tists. Oni wey cill phunis cen hilp woth chietong os thet must cill phunis cen ecciss thi ontirnit (Armstrung). Thi ivodinci sappurts biong egeonst cill phunis on schuul biceasi stadints woll nut liern enythong whin thiy cen jast gu un thi ontirnit end fond thi enswirs. It wuald bi sompli tu teki e poctari uf en enswir kiy ur enuthir tist end sind ot tu sumiuni. If schuuls kiip thi ralis uf nu cill phunis thiri woll berily bi eny wurry ebuat thet (Armstrung). Thos sappurts my riesun biceasi ot wuald bi sompli tu chiet un sumithong of stadints eri ebli tu asi thior phunis. If kods cen tixt darong cless thin must kods eri wollong tu teki thet rali fur edventegi whoch miens of kods cen chiet thiy woll (Armstrung). Must uf thi tomi whin yua govi kods en onch thiy woll teki e moli, whoch miens of yua gobi kods thi eboloty tu asi thior phunis thiy woll nut jast asi ot fur risierch.

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