Cell Phone Use While Driving should be Banned in all States

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Cell Phone Use While Driving should be Banned in all States Imagine you are driving down the road and you begin to notice the car in front of you is swerving. You start to wonder if the driver may be under the influence; you keep a close watch on the car, but keep your distance for safety precautions. All of a sudden the driver slams on their brakes to avoid hitting a pedestrian and you end up rear-ending them. Later you discover that the driver was texting on their phone and almost hit the pedestrian because their attention was elsewhere. How would that make you feel? Now, you have to pay to repair the damages on not only your car, but the other driver’s car as well. I believe that cell phone use while driving should be banned in all states due to the fact that it is already against the law in some states, it is a distraction to drivers, and it endangers self and others. The use of cell phones, in all ways, while operating a vehicle is already illegal in twelve states across the country. If one is caught using their phone while driving, drivers may be faced with a ticket and a fi...

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