Causes of the French Revolution

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The start of the French Revolution was due to a build-up of inequalities, bankruptcy, and the influence of The Enlightenment and the American Revolution.

The First and Second Estates, which was made up of the rich nobles, did not have to pay taxes, and had special privileges. In contrast, the Third Estate was made up of the townspeople who worked hard every day, and paid heavy taxes. This inequality angered the townspeople.

The king before Louis XVI was Louis XIV. He spent too much money and caused the government to go into a downward spiral. Then Louis XVI did not cut down on spending either, and by 1789 the government was bankrupt.

After The Enlightenment, writers and thinkers ideas’ became widespread and began to encourage the townspeople to go against their King. Along with this, the American’s success in overthrowing the British in the American Revolution inspired the French people to fight for their freedom too.

Chapter Two

Meeting of the Estates General

The purpose of the Estates General Meeting in 1789 was for all three Estates to get together and vote whether or not they should change taxation, and the way people voted in France. The First and Second Estate wanted to continue on with only taxing the Third Estate, and to keep their special privileges, naturally the Third Estate protested. In the past, each Estate was given one vote as a whole, but instead they changed the voting to where each person present got a single vote. The Third Estate then made an oath to work to form a new government for France. This was an important step towards the Third Estate’s rebellion against France’s government.

Chapter Three

Storming of the Bastille

A week before July 14, 1879, guards and ...

... middle of paper ... soon executed.

The French Revolution is said to have ended in 1799 when Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power as the “First Consul” (emperor), which symbolized the official end to the French Monarchy.

Chapter Nine

Effects of the French Revolution

The French Revolution had a lasting effect on the country. There was no longer a feudalist government, however, social order and important necessities were carried out by Napoleon Bonaparte. The Third Estate which had once been filled with angry townspeople, they then became the dominant power and was all the more unified. The Declaration of the Rights of Man, similar to that of America’s Bill of Rights, was created. The Napoleonic Wars and Revolutionary Wars destroyed the ancient structure of Europe, nationalism was beginning to influence the French, things became more modern, and total warfare was progressed.

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