The Causes and Effects of Homelessness

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Homelessness is a major problem facing many cities. Some people are homeless because of unfortunate situations, and others are homeless by choice. Homelessness has been around since 1640.

The cost of housing is on the rise and many become homeless because they that are not making enough money to afford the cost of housing. The cost of health care and insurance has risen dramatically over the past years. For families living low or middle incomes that can be devastating. Families or individuals that lack health insurance, a sudden illness, chronic disease or accident can be financially devastating. Many people don’t understand the problems homeless families are facing and most families are homeless because of finical situations or because they don’t have enough money to afford food. Families that are homeless it can have an effect on the children emotional and mentally and can cause them to low self-esteem. People don’t understand the effects of homeless families or how they feel. Most families have nowhere else to go or are too ashamed to live with other relatives. Homeless families sometimes become separated because some kids are sent to foster care or there are a certain requirements for that shelter. Some people who are homeless have long-term issues like mental illness, drug addiction, and alcoholism, homeless people that have these addictions does not have health insurance and this could be a major if they become seriously ill. Most people don’t care about the homeless people who are drug addicts, alcoholics, or mentally ill but people should help the homeless that have those problems instead of ignoring them, making fun of them, or just being plain scared of them, they also need people in their lives that care enough abo...

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