The Causes and Effects of Anorexia

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Anorexia nervosa is a worldwide illness that has affected the lives of both men and women, including my own. For my 16th birthday my best friend, Zoe, came to Texas and stayed with my family for 2 weeks, I hadn’t seen her in about a 2 years and the Zoe I saw was not the girl that I left in California 2 years ago. Zoe had struggled with anorexia since she was 8, I didn’t find out until 8th grade when she was put in the hospital and fed from a tube for 3 weeks. She went to therapy and slowly started to get better and I really believed she was okay when I left; seeing her like this now I understood that she wasn’t okay at all. It’s been 8 months since the visit and Zoe’s been hospitalized 2 times, once for the extreme weight loss, another for attempting suicide because she’d “rather be dead than look at herself in the mirror everyday”. Anorexia is something that not a lot of us take very seriously, but it can cause great damage to both your physical and mental health. There are many reasons that can play a part in anorexia. Genetics, low self-esteem, depression, and the media are so...

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