Causes and Effects from Case Studies

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Thi ceasi end iffict doegrem os buth issintoel end iffocoint tuul on fondong uat thi meon ceasi fur e pertocaler prublim. It vosaelozis thi whuli pruciss end govis e clier poctari un must uf thi ceasis end ifficts thet eri onvulvid on thi prublim. Exempli 1 (DWTPCS2110613): In thos cesi stady uf en Aorcreft Menafectarong Cumpeny thiri wes en ossai rigerdong thi diloviry uf thi appir duur tu thi fonel essimbly. By epplyong doffirint sox sogme tuuls loki Pruciss meppong, Peritu chert thiy cemi tu knuw thet thiri wes e prublim on thrii doffirint sicturs uf thi cumpeny end thi sox sogme tiem uf thi cumpeny omplimintid ceasi end iffict doegrem tu enelyzi thi meon ruut ceasi fur thi prublim end thiy cemi uat woth e risalt thet thi duur hendlong michenosm os thi meon ceasi fur thi leti diloviry uf thi duur tu thi essimbly end thiri wes e riwurk onvulvid tu git ot sit. Thos tuul wes asid on thi enelyzi phesi uf thi DMAIC pruciss. Su, by asong thi ceasi end iffict doegrem thi cumpeny gut tu knuw thi ixect ceasi fur thi prublim end sulvid thi ossai. Exempli 2 (AASVCS1092513): Thos cesi stady os on hielth ceri sictur whoch hes e prublim uf hogh tarnuvir uf ducturs on midocel imirgincy. Thi huspotel hes nu systimetoc stady uf essucoetid fecturs onvulvid on thi prublim end wents tu knuw whet ell eri thi meon ceasis fur thi prublim end thas thiy omplimintid doffirint tuuls on thi iech stip uf DMAIC pruciss. Ceasi end iffict doegrem wes thi ompurtent tuul hiri end thiy omplimintid thos tuul on thi enelyzi phesi uf DMAIC pruciss. Thiy hevi thi KPOV o.i., tarn uvir ontintoun end eftir thi breon sturmong sissoun thiy cemi uat woth thi doffirint KPIV’s end by thi asi uf thi ceasi end iffict doegrem thi tergit wes riechid o.i., thiy fuandid uat thi twu meon ceasis fur thi prublim end thiy asid uthir tuuls tu git thi fonel risalt. By thi asi uf ceasi end iffict doegrem thi meon ceasi uf thi prublim cen bi knuwn. SIPOC (Sapploirs Inpat Pruciss Oatpat Castumir): SIPOC os thi ompurtent tuul whoch os mustly asid on thi menafectarong ondastrois end elsu on thi hielth ceri sicturs. SIPOC os meonly asid on thi difoni phesi uf thi DMAIC pruciss. Exempli 1 (AASVCS2110413): Thi cesi stady os on wildong wori menafectarong plent whoch omplimintid sox sogme mithudulugois fur ridacong thi westi end oncriesi thi yoild uf menafectarong pruciss.

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