The Causes and Consequences of Elder Abuse

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This essay will begin by giving a definition of elder abuse and it will then go on to briefly explain elder abuse. It will then move on to discuss the causes and consequences of elder abuse. It will then outline the ways in which policy and practice has responded to the problem of elder abuse since the protection of our future: Report of the working group on elder abuse was published in 2002. It will then conclude by evaluating these responses.
Elder abuse is “a single or repeated act, or lack of appropriate action, occurring with any relationship where there is an expectation of trust which causes harm or distress to an older person or violates their human and civil rights” (Protecting our future, report of the working group on elder abuse, September 2002). There are many different forms of elder abuse such as physical, sexual, psychological, neglect, and financial (, 2014). Financial abuse is the most commonly reported abuse experienced by older people. Some examples of financial abuse would include someone else having access to the older persons bank account without their permission, the old person being pressured into giving someone else their money (Lafferty et al., 2012). A report published in 2010 by the National Centre for the protection of older people (NCPOP) called abuse and neglect of older people in Ireland found that over 10,000 people that were over the age of sixty five years experienced some form of abuse in the year which is an overall prevalence of 2.2 percent. Financial abuse was reported to be at 1.3 percent, psychological abuse was the second most common form of abuse at 1.2 percent. Physical abuse was at 0.5 percent, neglect was reported at 0.3 percent and sexual abuse was the least common at 0.05 perc...

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... A. and Delaney, L. (2010). Abuse and neglect of older people in Ireland. Dublin, Ireland: National Centre for the Protection of Older People, University College Dublin.
O’Donnell, D., Treacy, M.P., Fealy, G., Lyons, I., Phelan, A., Lafferty, A., Drennan, J., Quin, S., O’Loughlin, A. (2012) Managing Elder Abuse in Ireland: Senior case workers’ experiences, NCPOP, University College Dublin.
PA Consulting (2009) Review of the Recommendations of Protecting Our Future: Working Group Report on Elder Abuse 2002. Dublin: National Council for Ageing and Older People., (2014). A policy and legal review of Elder abuse in Ireland - Spring 2010 - 2010: Volume 99 - Back Issues. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 12 Apr. 2014].

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