child molesters

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Communities need to be informed of alleged child molesters?

Every thirty minutes another child is abducted, whether it be from home, school, or their

Neighborhood playgrounds. Imagine that the next thirty minutes it’s your child. Now also try to

Imagine that your child’s abductor has been living in your community unknown to you. These

Intruders feel they have the right to invade the privacy of these citizens and commit horrible

Crimes such as kidnapping, rapes, and murders. So therefore, it will be best that communities be

Advised of alleged child molesters so that citizens could be aware of the acts of crimes that may

Occur, molesters would be more discouraged to commit these acts, and a safer community could

Be established.

Acts of crimes such as rape, murders, and kidnapping can be prevented by letting the

Community knows of such criminals that live in their community. By having citizens more aware

Of the situation they could prevent from such acts from happening. Parents could actually talk to

Their kids and explain to them what to actually to look out for. There are even many awareness

Groups that parents could join to give them more knowledge of who is in their community.

Community needs to know when these people are put back in the community or even

When they initially are arrested. Did you know there is one sex predator in every square mile (

CNN News). There is approximately...

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