Casey Anthony Trial

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In July of 2008, one of the biggest crime cases devastated the United States nation-wide. The death of Caylee Anthony, a two year old baby, became the most popular topic in a brief amount of time. Caylee’s mother, Casey Anthony, became the main suspect after the child supposedly was kidnapped and went missing. To this day, the Casey Anthony case shocks me because justice, in my opinion, wasn’t served. I feel as if the criminal conviction system became somewhat corrupted in this case. The entire nation, including the court system, knew that Casey Anthony was behind this criminal act, but yet she escaped all charges. I chose this case not only because it’s debatable, but also to help state the obvious, this case was handled the wrong way. Clearly the legal system was biased, which worked in Casey Anthony’s favor, freeing a murderer. On July 15th, 2008, Caylee Anthony was reported missing by her grandmother Cindy Anthony. Cindy Anthony in the report stated that she hadn’t seen her grand-daughter Caylee for a month and that she and her husband were suspicious because their daughter Casey’s car reeked of decay, as if a dead body had been stored inside the vehicle for days. Caylee and her mother resided with Casey Anthony’s parents. However, Cindy Anthony claimed that Casey had given different explanations about Caylee's whereabouts before telling Cindy that she hadn’t seen her own daughter for several weeks. When questioned by authorities, Casey told the detectives several lies: stating the child had been kidnapped by her nanny on June 9, and that Casey had been trying to contact the nanny to find her daughter. Preceding this information, Casey Anthony was convicted and charged with first degree murder in 2008, but pleaded not guilty ... ... middle of paper ... ...can people view the justice system. Casey Anthony was arrested and put on trial for the death of her daughter after her parents noticed something peculiar after the child had been missing for thirty-one days. Anthony stood before a judge and with her defense team by her side and got out of being charged as guilty for the murder of her two year old daughter. Casey Anthony walked out of the courtroom, a free woman, on July 17th in 2011, after a six week trial. The punishment and sentencing factor in this case relates to the Criminal Law book because: Casey Anthony didn’t get convicted or punished for the death of a child, nation-wide this shocked the United States, and Casey Anthony knew what truly happened and she will continue to live knowing that the odds were in her favor due to lack of circumstantial evidence to prove that she was the murderer of her child.

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