Case Work and Social Work

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Case work is not only the basic practice in professional Social Work but rather, a common practice followed by all. The traditional definition defines case work as “a method of helping individuals through a one-on-on relationship’’. Every individual trained or untrained indulges in case work. The difference is made by theoretical understanding and professional ethics, practices involved in professional case work. Mary Richmond in 1915 explains casework as “the art of doing different things for and with different people by cooperating with them to achieve at one and the same time their own and society' betterment.” Social Case Work can also be defined as “an art in which knowledge of the science of human relations and skill in relationship are used to mobilize capacities in the individual and resources in the community appropriate for better adjustment between the client and all or any part of his total environment”. - S.Bowers The practice aims at reducing social problems and improving social functioning. An individual performs several roles in the society. Problems might occur when there is a conflict between the roles or stress on a certain role which the individual finds difficult to manage. Individual forms the microscopic part of the entire community. Being the root of society, an individual's thought and ideologies influence the society as a whole. Casework uses this perspective to create change and functionality in the society as a whole. Although there exist long draw debates between structural and individual schools of thought, case work has been one of the oldest and most frequently used methods in Social Work. In this paper I try to describe the scope and actual experience of case work ... ... middle of paper ... ...e process in initial stage, but I attempted to overcome this feeling. CONCLUSION The case work process and situation let me understand the complexities involved in social life. It does not only act as a helping relationship for the client but the case worker as well. Overall, the feeling of being able to help someone in the field gives me immense satisfaction. Though the process is tedious and long, it requires long- term commitment by the social worker to go through this process and make a positive impact on the lives of individuals. REFERENCES 1.Davison Evelyn, 1970, Social Case Work, A basic Textbook For students of casework and for administrators in the Social Services, Second Edition. 2.An Introduction to Case Work – Grace Mathew, Published: Tata Institute of Social Sciences,1992, 3.Web references and class room teaching have been also used.

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