Career Choices

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Economics is the term used to describe the production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services. In addition, economics is the study of scarcity, Our economy is important because it gives us an opportunity to understand better, how business, society, and the world are doing overall financially. Our economy as it stands now is barely standing. The government is in debt by trillions, and furthermore, This means an increased competitive job market. However, one needs to consider many different factors when choosing a career to give them the best chance of being happy and fulfilled. People need to ask themselves, will the job fit my personality? Will I have to travel or relocate? Can I physically do it, and what is the compensation? There are many questions to ask in each of these categories. Personality traits like being outgoing, sociable, and helpful are great for childcare, doctors, or in the service industry. People that have detail-oriented personalities might enjoy banking or accounting. For the creative personality, there are painters, musicians, and actors. People must also look at the physical demands. Will you enjoy the hard labor of a contractor, or would you rather sit at the desk of an architect, or do you prefer somewhere in between such as a biologist who spends half their time in the field. Will you need to travel a lot like a pilot or relocate where opportunities in the selected field are greater? Do you want to be largely on your own such as a freelance writer? Do you work better supervised, or would you rather be the supervisor? Then there is the question of compensation. Do you want the five-figure salary? or can you be happy with a median salary? Our career decision affects us for the... ... middle of paper ... there are many more choices for men and women. Revolution has given way to equal rights among men, women, and even race, that gives everyone the opportunity or chance to amount to whatever they see fit for themselves. With that being said, it is important to realize having a career is vital in making a decent living in today’s society, and making people as a person feel fulfilled. Furthermore, it is important to remember when considering a career people need to think about what intrigues and fascinates them, because in doing so they will establish positive feelings towards their choice of career, which can not only help with their success but also it will make life much more happy and enjoyable. In the end, we live in a world with a vast variety of career choices, which is why it is so important to choose a career that is appropriate to people abilities.

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