The Capital Punishment Debate

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Capital Punishment, also known as the death penalty is a legal sentence for a criminal to be put to death. The Punishment is rising to a controversial topic and has led to a lot of heated debates. As of 2014, over 150 countries have abolished the death penalty and 40 others have not used it in recent years, although it is still legal. The death Penalty is mostly used in extreme cases of crime like rape or murder. The convicted criminals are mostly put to death in inhuman ways such as lethal injections or electric chairs. The execution can only take place after a proper legal trial and can only be used by the state. As versatile as humankind is, they invented the term “death penalty” to contrast with the sanctity of life. The topic should be viewed from many ethical perspectives such as utilitarianism and virtue Ethics. To expand furthermore, we could look at the religious perspectives of christianity, which juxtaposes itself and contrasts with its own ideas.

Utilitarianism, a theory that the aim of action should be the largest possible balance of pleasure over pain or the greatest happiness of the greatest number.This means a utilitarianist will reach extremes for the greater good of the majority of people involved. A Utilitarianism follows what is ethically right in the situation by considering the impact of the decision on the people involved. The Utilitarian perspective has a very clear view regarding the death penalty .Hypothetically,a utilitarist will definitely support the death penalty for various reasons. The major reason, the criminal being charged will still be a major threat to society and also an example to society. If the criminal has committed rape or murder, and has gotten away with his life, what is going to ...

... middle of paper ..." Merriam-Webster. Merriam-Webster. 19 Mar. 2014 .

"INTER PRESS SERVICE." Inter Press Service. 20 Mar. 2014 .

"DEATH PENALTY IN 2012." Abolish the death penalty. 20 Mar. 2014 .

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