cannibalism in The Road by Cormac McCarthy

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In McCarthy’s novel The Road, one of the main issues deals with cannibalism and the moral/ethic issues of survival. Though McCarthy depicts cannibalism negatively in this post-apocalyptic world, it is apparent that cannibalism is necessary for humans to survive when there is no real food to eat. Whether they know what’s actually good vs what is actually bad, they still have a reason to try and stay alive even though things are absolutely terrible around them. Staying alive, to carry the fire for the good of humanity. In a world where everything is just coming to an end, people resort to eating each other in order to stay alive. Where there are bad and good people, but what does it actually mean to be bad? Eating human beings or not helping those people in need of help?
In this novel the father is trying to keep his son and himself alive. The father makes the boy know that they will never be the bad people that eat other human beings. Makes sure the boy understands that it is wrong and he should never ever think about doing it even if he was about to die of starvation. Even if resort...

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